- Emergency Support Smart Mobile App (ESSMA)
- RESOLUTE Serious Game
Emergency Support Smart Mobile App (ESSMA)
The Emergency Support Smart Mobile App (ESSMA) aims to assist the resilience of a community keeping civilians updated and guided for their reactions under danger situations. The main objective of the ESSMA application is to give the opportunity to civilians to be aware of emergencies and to know the most appropriate way to reach in order to be safe.
The following videos explain the ESSMA functionalities.
- [RESOLUTE] 1st Evacuation Scenario
- 1 ESSMA user (to be rescued)
- 1 CRAMSS Operator
- The ESSMA user sends a SOS message to the operator, requesting path to safe point.
- The CRAMSS operator receives the SOS message.
- The CRAMSS operator set the safe point & request for evacuation route.
- The evacuation route is calculated by the eDSS.
- The CRAMSS operator sends the evacuation plan to the Central Decision Manager (CDM) for approval.
- Once the evacuation plan is approved the ESSMA user receives the route.
- During the evacuation the operator communicates through chat with the ESSMA user.
- [RESOLUTE] 2nd Evacuation Scenario
- 1 group of 3 ESSMA users
- 1 group of 4 ESSMA users
- CRAMMS Operator
- The CRAMSS operator uploads an image of an emergent event to the live updates.
- The ESSMA users are informed through the ESSMA about the event.
- The CRAMSS operator selects the areas to be evacuated in which the 2 groups of ESSMA users are located.
- The CRAMSS operator marks 2 safe points & request for evacuation plan.
- He/she sends the new computed plan to the CDM for approval.
- Upon receipt, the path is sent to the ESSMA users.
- All the ESSMA users receive the evacuation routes & are guided to the safe points.
- [RESOLUTE] 3rd Evacuation Scenario
- 1 CRAMSS Operator
- 1 Volunteer Helper (ESSMA user)
- 1 Citizen In Danger (ESSMA user)
- The citizen (ESSMA user) in danger presses the SOS Button in the ESSMA app.
- Their Location appears to both the CRAMSS operator's and all the voluntary helpers' (rescuers') screen
- The CRAMSS operator starts a "Collaborative Action" by asking the availability of all potential helpers (rescuers).
- A voluntary helper (rescuer) responds their willingness to help.
- The available rescuer appears to the CRAMSS operator
- The CRAMSS operator send the rescue path to voluntary helper
- A message appears to citizen in danger that the helper is on the road
- Finally the helper reaches the citizen and the citizen declares that is safe.
RESOLUTE Serious Game