RESilience management guidelines

and Operationalization appLied to

Urban Transport Environment

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WP1 – Management: Management aims to manage and monitor the project, to address major issues, and to monitor the quality of the results.

WP2 – Evidence retrieval assessment and synthesis is devoted to gain a better understanding about the state of the art in Resilience literature, tools and current implementations.

WP3 – ERMG – setting up the EMRG ASB and User Forum, definition of the guideline development methodology, guideline production and guideline adaptation to the UTS scenario.

WP4 – Platform Back-end components: This task is devoted to implement the back and components such as Big Data/ Open data collection tools, Knowledge base, User Identity and profile computing, Network analysis and Interoperability modules(APIs).

WP5 – Platform Front-ends and end users smart apps is devoted to develop the mobile applications (Emergency support app and Game based app) and the CRAMSS applications for final users (Critical Infrastructure Providers, First Responders, etc.)

WP6 – Pilots executions and validation is devoted to execute the ERMG validation pilots in Florence and Athens.

WP7 – Dissemination, awareness and exploitation in order to promote the future adoption of RESOLUTE results in other EU cities. In addition, it will focus on the realization of a business model to secure the long term sustainability of RESOLUTE tools and services.


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